
Hi, I’m Julie and I am a Nashville based digital and film photographer. My specialty is in street photography, travel, and portraits. I believe that capturing everyday moments in life holds a true beauty, especially the ones that people may find mundane. I capture things that tend to capture my eye and I see the beauty it holds.

I shoot all my pictures from my Nikon D3200, Nikon EM, Nikon N55, and Nikon Zoom Touch 470.

Don’t forget to check out instagram for more

book an appointment

book an appointment

want your picture taken or know someone who does?

Click below to start booking an appointment or if you have questions do not hesitate to shoot me an email.

P r i n t s

P r i n t s


still new to this but check out some of my prints :)

Don’t forget to check out instagram for more


the memory gallery

the memory gallery